Magmi Magento Reindexer

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What it does

This plugin calls the Magento script indexer.php (available since magento 1.4.x) via php cli (ie: launches a new php instance in command line) to rebuild magento indexes.

This magento script performs Full Reindexing , so it may take very long on big catalogs.


From version 1.0.5, included in magmi 0.7.10 (recommended) the parameters are the following

  • php cli command : what is the command to launch php cli (defaults to php)
  • a list of indexes to rebuild with checkboxes


Latest extra plugin package comes with On the fly indexer v1.0.2c plugin that can perform differential indexing on URL Rewrites index & Catalog category product.

When using on the fly indexer plugin , the calalog_url & catalog_category_product do not need to be selected for reindexing.

Magento version compatibility

If magento version is 1.3 , reindexer will fail to run since no indexer.php script is available.


If the reindex takes subsecond time, then the cli command has failed. in that case, use magento backend or a command line to perform the reindexing manually.